Painting by Lori Keith Robinson
I was having coffee and talking with my friend, Susan, this morning. As most of our conversations progress, we spend a lot of our time together talking about art — how to create it, who our favorite artists are and why.This lead me to think about a current favorite painter of mine... Lori Keith Robinson. I first saw her paintings when I was in Savannah, GA. It was a few years ago and I was down visiting the town, the shops, the restaurants. But, even more than that, I was getting an "ocean fix." This desire hits me on a regular basis... and the only thing to do is to get in the car and drive to the coast. I stay on Tybee Island... a wonderful family-oriented beach area with great little cottages, an unspoiled beach and delicious seafood. I love the pace of life there. And to get there from Savannah involves driving through about 12 miles of tidal marshland. Right through the grasses and wildlife and gorgeous vistas.
And these views are what inspire Ms. Robinson. The colors in her palette and the evocative motion of her brush strokes remind me of sunsets and the winds through the marsh grass.
As I was saying, I first saw her work when I was strolling through Savannah in the City Market area. I was passing an art gallery, Chroma Gallery, when I glanced in the window and saw a painting so wonderfully colorful, so beautiful that it stopped me cold. I just stood on the sidewalk and stared at this wonderful work of art. I floated into the gallery and saw that there were several of her paintings on display. I also saw that they were priced well beyond what I could justify spending for art... but one day... I will have one of her paintings and it will have the place of honor in my home. It will be displayed somewhere I can sit and look and dream. Until then, I make sure to visit her paintings whenever I am in the area.
I am posting a photo of one of her paintings. Please check out her website: lorikeithrobinson.com & from www.chromaartgallery.com Please stop in and enjoy!